A Meaningful Christmas Day - Decorating Christmas Tree with Colleagues

The Christmas party is a staple of office life-a way for teammates to socialize in a non-work setting. We had a pleasant and meaningful day.

We decorated the Christmas tree together. Boys hung up colored lights for the Christmas tree. They put enough lights to wrap around each layer of branches from top to bottom. And the lights have sat closer to the trunk than the decorations, which created a warming glow peeking through the branches.

Girls decorated the Christmas tree with Berries, boughs of holly, and pinecones. Multiple fluffy balls of fuchsias, purple, and steals were put on the trees and evenly throughout the branches, this was the point where the decoration starts to take shape. Beautiful jewel-embellished and flower embroidered decorations in complementing shaded to the colorful baubles. Then, the classic Christmas star was put on the top of the tree.

The final flourish for any tree is of course the presents underneath. Finally, all of us finished our perfectly styled Christmas tree with a small pile of impeccably wrapped gifts.

In the activity of decorating the Christmas tree, we felt the joy of the holiday. This activity helped to promote team spirit among colleagues and created a more cohesive company. We believe a comfortable and relaxed working atmosphere will significantly increase work efficiency productivity.

What a meaningful Christmas! How is your Christmas?

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